Certificate descriptions


Building approval (1)(2)

Contains details of any building approval granted in the preceding ten years, and any current certificate, notice or report on the described property made under the Building Act 1993 (Vic).


Commemorative title certificates

A3 replica of the certificate of title of a Victorian property. They’re available in an authentic design (based on late 19th century Victorian titles) and can be purchased as either framed or unframed.

Commemorative title certificates are not to be used as legal documents.

It is an authentic replica certificate of title available to property owners in Victoria.

View a sample of the design.

Copy of plan

Copy of the diagram source or location referenced in the text of the title. It describes the legal boundaries for the piece of land being searched.

Depending on the plan type, the diagram may reflect the boundaries for adjoining parcels.

View a sample plan.


Extract of priority sites register

Lists sites that the Environmental Protection Authority believes present an unacceptable risk to health or to the environment because of contamination.


Flood level certificate

Provides current property flood level information. It estimates the effect on the property in the event of a storm exceeding the design capacity of the drainage available to the property.


Heritage certificate section 50

Contains information about current heritage status (including orders) associated with a described property.



Document referred to on the register search statement (transfer, mortgage, caveat, covenant, or other type of encumbrance). The instrument includes every document registered or capable of being registered under the Transfer of Land Act 1958 (Vic).

View a sample instrument.


Land information certificate

Summary of rates, charges, valuations and any other monies owing, and any orders or notices made under:

  • Local Government Act 2020 (Vic)
  • local law of the council
  • Transfer of Land Act

Land tax certificate

Contains the amount of land tax due and unpaid on the described parcel if land tax is payable. This relates to Section 97 of the Land Tax Act 1958 (Vic)


Planning certificate

Contains information about the planning scheme as it affects a property at a given date. It may include:

  • zoning of the land and, if applicable, overlay planning controls
  • reservations that affect the land classified roads adjoining the land proposals.

View a sample planning certificate.

Property transaction alert

Easy and economical way to monitor activity on a title via email.

The types of emails you may receive include:

Subscription confirmation

Confirms the title number that you subscribed to and identifies whether the title has been the subject of a Land Use Victoria dealing activity within the last 125 days. You should receive this email within two hours of subscribing.

Subscription expiry warning notice and subscription expired notice

Allows you to choose subscription periods of either 3, 6 or 12 months. You’ll receive an email 7 days before subscription expiry and another email when the subscription has expired.

Before you receive the subscription expiry email, you need to decide whether you require the subscription to continue. If you no longer have a reason to subscribe to the title, you don’t need to take any action and can ignore the expiry notice.

However, if you wish to continue monitoring activity on the title, you’ll need to create a new subscription before expiry.

Notification of Land Use Victoria activity

You’ll receive this type of email if a Land Use Victoria transaction was lodged on the title that you’re currently subscribed to. You’ll be notified of this activity within about two hours after lodgement at Land Use Victoria.

The heading of this email will contain ‘Registration activity alert’ and include:

  • document number
  • transaction type description
  • registration status
  • processing status
  • transaction date and time.

Activity recorded will display as per the below example.

Number Description Registration status Processing status Date and time
AD123456K Dealing lodgement Unregistered Examination (LUV) 01/01/2023 09:30


Register search statement (title)

Electronic copy of a title that has replaced a paper title. A small number of paper titles are yet to be converted to electronic versions, and currently display as images.

The statement may include:

  • current registered proprietors
  • land description
  • any encumbrances, caveats or notices (including mortgages, and so on)
  • diagram location or source (where to locate the sketch of the property).

It doesn’t include a sketch of the property. You need to request a copy of the diagram source separately.

If you request a copy of the diagram source within the same order, you’ll receive it at no extra charge.


Special meter reading

Request for a water meter reading as at a specified date.

Stormwater legal point of discharge

Point specified by council where stormwater from a property must be discharged. This point is usually the council’s stormwater drain, where available, or street kerb and channel.

Survey report

A survey report provides the following information, where available:

  • surveyor details
  • report’s purpose
  • crown description
  • municipality
  • title reference
  • related easements, road abuttals
  • survey information perused and
  • datum relationships and connection to MGA94/SCN
  • alignments and boundaries adopted
  • need for amendment of title
  • effect on government roads or Crown lands
  • old survey marks details
  • connection to permanent marks or permanent survey marks
  • whether land is with a proclaimed survey area
  • equipment calibration details and GNSS equipment and techniques
  • currency conditions
  • dealing examination reports
  • survey abstracts

View a sample survey report.


VicRoads certificate

Shows approved road proposals requiring any portion of the described property. The certificate only covers road proposals involving VicRoads. It doesn’t cover road proposals under the control of local government authorities.


Water information statement

Summary of rates, charges and encumbrances related to sewerage and water supply affecting the parcel.

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